Much of the prayer of the Church of England is corporate, that is to say we do it together and this is reflected in much of what you will say when you recite Morning Prayer or Evening Prayer. Yet there is another side to our prayer life, our own individual prayers, as we try to share in Christ’s prayer to his Father, that his will be done, his kingdom come.

The advice we provide here was originally written for a children’s book. However, whether you are a child, young person or an adult, prayer is easier than you might imagine! Millions of people of every age pray every day.

You don’t have to know any prayers if you want to pray – in fact, words can often get in the way. Picture Jesus, and then say what is in your heart, what you feel.

There are several different prayer groups that you would be most welcome to come along to.  They are all weekly and all year round unless specified.

AnytimePray one for me

Daily Prayer – Join us every day online for morning and evening prayers that suit you…


Heavenly Father, we take upon ourselves the mantle of authority that Jesus delegates to us, and in His name we speak to every household in Exminster and in the surrounding villages and say to you:-

“We bless you in the Name of the Lord. We bless your marriages that they may be strong, and whole. We bless the relationship between each marriage partner that it may be loving, forgiving, merciful and strong. We bless every inter-generational relationship within each household, that there may be peace and love and understanding flowing between each other.

We bless your health that you may be strong and well. In Jesus’ name we resist any sickness and disease which seeks to invade any household in Exminster and the surrounding villages, and to every person in the surrounding area, we say, be well, be strong, be healthy. To any who are sick right now, we say we bless you in Jesus’ name with a speedy recovery.

We bless your wealth that you may have plenty to replace poverty. We bless you to have enough to live, and enough to give. We bless the work of your hands, that whatever you turn your hand to which is wholesome, may be profitable. We bless every wholesome enterprise that is conducted by you, that it may prosper and be successful.

We bless the local schools that they may be a secure, safe place for teachers and pupils alike. We bless the children’s capacity to learn and develop relationships, and we bless their simple trust in Jesus, that their trust may grow and become enriched.

We speak to the Church and Chapel, and we say we bless you in the Name of the Lord, that the Holy Spirit and the Word of God may flow out from you in power. We bless the hearts of all who live in the Exminster and the surrounding villages, that you may be quickened to hear and respond to the Voice of the Living God. We bless all who live and work here, that the overspill of the blessings of the presence of the Kingdom of God may fall upon you.”

Service Times

1st Sunday
10:00am - Morning Worship

2nd Sunday
10:00am - Eucharist

3rd Sunday
10:00am - Morning Worship

4th Sunday
10:00am - Eucharist

5th Sunday
10:00am - To be confirmed

10:00am - Eucharist