The Fisherman is a monthly newsletter bringing you up-to-date with events in the Parishes of Kenn and Exminster.

Articles and other material is always welcome, especially notices of forthcoming events in the Church, preferably no more than 500 – 600 words in length. The editor does reserve the right to edit any contributions, particularly if they are too long – so short and sweet is best!

You can also advertise in the Fisherman.  Details are in the newsletter, or contact the Editor.

The publication date is the last Sunday of each month and the deadline for contributions is the 2nd Monday before the publication date.

Editor  Barry Cripps   email

Distributor & Subscriptions

The magazine can be found in both churches, and the cost is 50 p per magazine or £5 for the year at the moment.  



Service Times

1st Sunday
10:00am - Morning Worship

2nd Sunday
10:00am - Eucharist

3rd Sunday
10:00am - Morning Worship

4th Sunday
10:00am - Eucharist

5th Sunday
10:00am - To be confirmed

10:00am - Eucharist